Breeders of Quality Cane Corsos
Thomas Colt
Emaill address

Welcome to the home of Colts Guardiano.
Located in Carlisle Pa.
Although we are not new to the breed we have recently established ourselves as a kennel. After years of research, trial an education we are proud of the progress we have made especially with our most recent young Grand Champion.
We have done years of research on the Cane Corso breed and are constantly educating ourselves so we are able to answer any question that a new or experience owner may have. Along with our extensive research, we are also lucky enough to be working with Worldwide's Cane Corso, one of the top breeders in the country who has earned their Breeder of Meritt from AKC.
We strongly believe in providing a healthy and solid Corso along with good temperament for everyone that comes to us. Our goal is to help the new puppy parents find the right puppy for their family and provide support for the lifetime of your new addition